For the largest Russian company selling heavy special equipment, a repair box 15x8 m with a side wall height of 5m and ridge height of 6.6m were implemented. The hangar was built as an AMS (awning-mobile shelter) in a warmed version. There are 2 layers of PVC fabric on the roof: an outer layer with a density of 900 g/m2, an inner layer of 750 g/m2, and there are sandwich panels on the walls. Optional accessories include: - overhead sectional doors with a size of 4x4 m with a wicket are installed from one end - logo application at the end - installation of windows and lamps - installation of a trestle inside the hangar - ventilation valves. Installation of the structure was carried out on a foundation beam installed on packed crushed stone. The structure was realized on a turnkey basis with utilities, which allows to implement a full-fledged mechanized repair shop inside it. Hangar location - in the private territory of the customer, Magadan region.